All my “favorite” building materials get used at this stage of construction. The top 3 most annoying – all were installed in the last few weeks…along with exterior painting.
Insulation: Prior to the drywallers showing up, Andy and I were insulating, foaming penetrations, caulking joints and applying furring to about 4000 sf of space. I believe insulation is the most vile of all building products. After each day of shoving the beloved stuff into each cavity and crevice, I would shower and feel a thousand little fiberglass blades gnawing at my face. Even after showering, touching my skin felt like a sadistic exfoliation treatment. We can only hope that all the effort will result in quiet and comfortable rooms for the guests!
Spray foam: If anyone is looking for a true instrument of torture, spray foam insulation is it! I was successfully spraying the piping penetrations in the crawl space when the nozzle popped off the can. This resulted in a massive bulge of spray foam oozing all over my hand. If you have ever experienced this stuff, you know that this is a very bad thing. It is sticky and does not come off – I tried turpentine, vinegar, gasoline – nothing – I was left with a crusty mess on my right hand. That week, in my meetings with clients, shaking hands I had to explain that I did not have some freakish disease – just home construction projects and a battle with ‘great stuff’ and obviously I did not win!
Drywall: As the drywall is installed, the rooms start to take shape. It is exciting at the same time as an enormous mess. There is little more disconcerting to a clean freak than the installation and finishing of drywall. It literally gets everywhere. I walk through the house trying to avoid the globs of mud and goo on the floor, ignore the fine dust that covers everything and look at what are almost guest rooms and the semblance of what will be our inn. Gypsum – I think I can taste it in my coffee!
Finally, hanging off a ladder high in the air painting siding - now there is a treat. It is a great isometric excercise though - hanging on with one hand, on tip toes and brushing paint on with the other hand. What a work out!